In various possible situations you may benefit from one or more coaching sessions with me, whether face-to-face, or through Skype.
- You have read all kinds of information on giftedness and extra intelligence, and are recognizing a lot. But you have still doubts about whether this “condition” is really applicable to you and/or what it could mean to your life and career.
- You have specific questions on certain facets of your Xidentity and would like to receive my comments or advice on these issues.
- You have met me before, maybe long time ago, during coaching sessions or presentations and would like to reconnect and discuss your current situation or specific questions that have come up.
- You have no intention to start out with multiple coaching sessions, but would like to get a concise reaction about a specific issue that you are working on yourself.
We make an appointment by telephone or email for a certain date and time and for the intended subject of the conversation. Most often, for a face-to-face meeting a time span of two, maybe two and a half hours is effective. A Skype conversation takes usually about an hour, as it is more fatiguing. However, alternative arrangements can be made if necessary.
I confirm the appointment and the costs by email.
Usually, the conversation is more effective when I have read some information about you beforehand. In most cases I ask you to fill in a specific questionnaire, related to the subject of conversation, and send the results to me in advance too.
A face-to-face conversation is in or near Schagen, unless otherwise agreed upon.
When required, especially when your employer intends to pay for our conversation(s), I can make a specified proposal for multiple conversations, including goal, subjects to be addressed, and expected results. Please contact me for more details and possibilities.
Depending on the intended subject of our conversation the results are more or less tangible. In all cases you have had a sounding board for your questions, and I have applied my knowledge of Xi to your specific situation and questions.
Many clients experience relief, inspiration and extra energy after our conversation, although they may first of all want to chill out for a couple of hours.
It sometimes also happens that engaging in a conversation on this subject feels like a personal victory: Questions about your extra intelligence may have been tucked away for a long time, due to limiting convictions about not being uncommon intelligent, or likewise. On these pages I have written about possible reasons for this.
By special request I can make a concise report at an hourly rate.