Defining an XIP


Extra intelligence (Xi) indicates a subjectively verified, uncommonly high level of one or more kinds of intelligence.
It is mostly used in the adjective form: Someone is extra intelligent, or someone is Xi. We call the owner of Xi an extra intelligent person or XIP, in the plural extra intelligent people or XIPs.

How can one recognize an XIP?

Building on theory and practical experience, we -Annelien van Kempen and Willem Kuipers- defined in 2001 five typical character traits for XIPs:

  1. Intellectually able: Grasps complicated issues relatively easily, able to take substantial leaps in the thinking process, has a low tolerance for stupidity, and may become careless when asked to do simple tasks.
  2. Incurably inquisitive: Always curious about what lies beyond the horizon, easily pursuing manifold interests. Has a low tolerance for boredom and may be slow in bringing to a conclusion a problem once it has been solved.
  3. Needs autonomy: Can work on his/her own and prefers to schedule tasks independently. Will respond adversely to absolute power, formalities and tight control. Will utilize fight, flight of freeze when autonomy is threatened.
  4. Excessive zeal in pursuit of interests: Can be inexhaustible and keyed-up as long as a problem is interesting. Can invest too much energy in the wrong projects. Does not like others to perform according to low standards.
  5. Contrast between emotional and intellectual self-confidence: Either can be relatively high, while the other is poorly established or even low. Some know in their mind that they are right, but fear in their gut that they will not win their case. Others feel quite confident that they will manage to realize their intentions, but dread being tackled about their intellectual qualities.
    This can easily lead to perfectionism, fear of failure, or escalating “know it all” tendencies, nagging and arrogance in an effort to mask the uncertainty.


Am I an XIP?

If you recognize yourself in essence in at least three of the five traits, we believe it is worth the effort to consider the validity of the hypothesis “I am an XIP” or alternatively, “I act like an XIP”. Even if school results were not excellent, or if you know other people who you consider more intelligent than yourself.

Is he/she an XIP?

If you recognize someone else in essence in at least three of the five traits, it is quite likely that he/she is an XIP. Even if their performance is not excellent or if they strongly deny being uncommonly intelligent. However, whether they do or do not want to acknowledge their Xi, is their personal choice that has to be respected.

Autonomously acquiring…

Sometimes it helps to suggest this website to others, so that they can digest the subject and its consequences in their own space and time. Offering the book as a gift may have a similar effect.
Some people get immediately excited, especially when they were already striving for an explanation of various kinds of incongruities in their lives. For others the subject just happens not to be an issue at that moment.
To talk about it, whether with others or with me, is almost always a way to experience the relevance of the subject and the value of looking into it more closely.
